by Marlena Fiol | Mar 6, 2020
This week, I’ve explored the reasons we hide parts of ourselves from others, and the consequences of doing so. One of the most brilliant models for exploring what parts of ourselves we hide from others and from ourselves, is the Johari Window, developed by…
by Marlena Fiol | Mar 6, 2020
My Sister Mary Lou and I – She’s the Cute Little Curly-Haired Blond I’m pleased to bring you the thinking of Mary Lou Bonham, a psychotherapist who also happens to be my sister. She and…
by Marlena Fiol | Mar 4, 2020
I’m an innocent child holding my pacifier in one hand. In the other hand, I’m grasping an adult-sized black book — possibly titled “The Art of Hiding Parts of Myself?” ·When I was a child, I hid my deepest shame and fears — mostly…
by Marlena Fiol | Feb 28, 2020
I’m the kid in the center of the photo, pushing our Volvo up the Bolivian Andes in 1960 – Absurd! Inspired by this week’s guest on my podcast, Nita Sweeney, I have shared recent moments of overwhelm in my own life. And sometimes…
by Marlena Fiol | Feb 26, 2020
Not At My Best This Morning This morning I woke up feeling like my life was in a tailspin. I won’t list all of the reasons why. Let me just say that I’m behind on just about…
by Marlena Fiol | Feb 21, 2020
My Podcast Interview Today with Arno Michaelis This week I’ve been writing about the paradox underlying Thich Nhat Hanh’s message: Still taking steps and already home. I ended Wednesday’s blog with, “I wish to be fully present, even as Ed and I…