We’d Love Your Review!

Not sure how to leave a review for Becoming Who You Truly Are? Here’s how:

Apple Podcasts


  1. Navigate to the official podcast store page by clicking here 
  2. Select “Listen on Apple Podcasts”
  3. Select “Ratings and Reviews” from the menu at either the top or bottom of the page
  4. Under “Customer Reviews” click the “Write a Review” button 
  5. Write your review, select your overall rating and click “Submit”


  1. Navigate to the official podcast store page by clicking here 
  2. Under the “Ratings and Reviews” section, tap your star rating


  1. Navigate to the official podcast store page by clicking here 
  2. Click the “Write a Review” button 
  3. Write your review, select your overall rating and click “Submit”




  1. Navigate to the official podcast page on Stitcher by click here 
  2. Click your star rating under the title of the podcast
  3. A new window will open, allowing you to enter the details of your review
  4. Write your review, select your overall rating and click “Submit” 


  1. Navigate to the official podcast page on Stitcher by click here. 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Write a Review” 
  3. Write your review, select your overall rating and click “Submit” 


Google Play and Spotify do not currently allow users to rate podcasts.

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