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Events, Podcasts & Other Musings
Here you will find the latest posts from Marlena Fiol’s YouTube channel, Becoming Who We Truly Are, including her thoughts on a wide range of topics, recordings of online events, and visual versions of her podcast. If you’d like to stay up to date with all of Marlena’s upcoming videos, please subscribe to Becoming Who We Truly Are by clicking the button below.
Showing Up For Others
Marlena Fiol discusses what showing up really means to her and how we can positively impact the world around us.
Is a Good Marriage Good Enough?
Marlena Fiol discusses why it’s okay to want more from a marriage.
When Parents Fail w/ Mary Lou Bonham
Mary Lou Bonham joins Marlena Fiol to discuss parental challenges, failures and moving forward.
Sharing Your Family’s Dark Secrets
Marlena Fiol discusses sharing your family’s dark secrets and whether it’s always appropriate to do so.
Surviving Abuse with Misty Griffin
Marlena Fiol joins Misty Griffin to discuss surviving child abuse within the Amish community.