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Events, Podcasts & Other Musings
Here you will find the latest posts from Marlena Fiol’s YouTube channel, Becoming Who We Truly Are, including her thoughts on a wide range of topics, recordings of online events, and visual versions of her podcast. If you’d like to stay up to date with all of Marlena’s upcoming videos, please subscribe to Becoming Who We Truly Are by clicking the button below.
Breaking Open:
Loving Your Life as It Is and as It Can Be
w/ Marlena Fiol & Dawna Markova
How do we come to appreciate our lives right now, rather than wishing for what we think they could be? Marlena and Dawna share ways they have experienced the healing power of loving life as it is, while at the same time breaking open to new possibilities.
Finding Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World:
w/ Marlena Fiol & Tom DeWolf
How do we find the strength and compassion to forgive those around us? How do we forgive ourselves for the things we’ve done? Marlena and Tom explore the challenges of forgiving oneself, one’s family and those around us – and the healing that can result.
Brave Women: Revelatory Memoirs
w/ Marlena Fiol & Nita Sweeney
How do we overcome life challenges? What prompts us to initiate change? And what makes some of us choose to reveal all of this in writing? Marlena and Nita speak candidly about depression, childhood abuse, parenting issues, and inequality, as well as the transformation each of them experienced in facing these difficulties.
Healing in a Broken World
w/ Marlena Fiol & Doug Bradley
How can we begin to heal during this bitter and divisive time? Based on their personal experiences and extensive research, Marlena and Doug explore ways to generate healing within each of us individually, and to stimulate collective goodwill and peace where there is fear and divisiveness.
The Roots of the Tree:
Family Dynamics, Forgiveness & Reconciliation
w/ Marlena Fiol & Josh Coleman
Marlena and Josh explore the complicated dynamics within families, causes of family dysfunction and estrangement, and paths to forgiveness and reconciliation.
Choosing Compassion Over Fear
w/ Marlena Fiol & Sherry Belul
Marlena and Sherry examine loss and love, and what it means to keep showing up, repeatedly, even during the darkest times.