I Lost Two Friends this Week










Lorna Boschmann with her Family









Gloria Stephens and I


The blogs this week have been about death and dying.

On Monday, Dr. LaVera Crawley blessed us with her insights about how to practice spiritual companionship for a loved one who is dying. And on Wednesday, the brave Jennifer O’Brien reminded us that it is a gift to recognize that you are into Precious Time with a loved one.

Ah, little did I know when I scheduled these two blogs, that this past week, within six days of each other, I would lose two dear friends.

I didn’t have a chance to spend time with either of them at the end of their lives. But I do remember moments of Precious Time with each of them:

I remember Lorna Boschmann leaning across our dining room table a few years ago, looking directly at Ed and me. “Just because Hank and I have been together since we were high school sweethearts, unlike you who’ve had several failed marriages before you found each other, does not mean that we haven’t had just as much relationship turbulence and confusion. It does not mean that we figured it all out.”

Lorna had an uncanny way of cutting right to the heart of things. To the truth underneath all of the appearances. Thank you for that wisdom, dear friend. I will cherish it always.

Gloria Stephens and I sat next to one another in their newly redecorated sitting room – it must have been around five years ago. We were reminiscing about the long road leading up to our close friendship. An 8 and 2 on the Enneagram are hardly ever instant friends! But when we finally allowed ourselves to show up with authentic vulnerability, our relationship grew strong and deep. “I trust you with my soul,” Gloria said to me that day.

Thank you for that trust, dear friend. And I am so sorry about the times I may have inadvertently betrayed that trust.

May we all cherish this Precious Time before it slips away!


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