“The world has changed, and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over.”
Change is ever-present, but the changes of the past year have felt bigger than many others. It has been an anxiety-inducing time for many of us, creating uncertainty and fear. But even in the midst of our fears, change can be an opportunity to re-assess our choices and discover avenues of growth we never dreamed possible.
Today, I re-commit to embracing changes in my life as opportunities to turn inward and discover new paths toward further growth and healing. Will you join me?
Remember, we are together on this journey.
While changes during the past year may have felt bigger than many others, that is a constant many of us need to learn to live with. The reality is, for decades change has increased at an ever-increasing rate providing both distress and new opportunities.
Drastic and sudden changes can be overwhelming, confusing and may be delibilitaing.
But if one can pause, find a new footing, rest, regroup and reassess, there is a chance to find new growth and new directions.
The key is whether one finds the new footing in the tide of rapid change.
In the many encouraging philosophical quotes that circulate the social media in the pandemic months, one quote struck a cord with me, “Settle for less, enjoy it more.” Forgot who wrote it. But this is my guiding principe for the moment.
Lorraine, thank you so much for showing up here, and for your thought-provoking comment. I’m of two minds regarding your guiding principle. On one hand, I do want to be fully present in the moment, enjoying and gratefully accepting what I have right now. On the other hand, I never want to ‘settle for less,’ if that comes from a scarcity mindset, rather than a mindset of abundance.
It’s interesting that your comment raised this for me right now, because next Wednesday I’m doing a virtual event with Dawna Markova titled “Breaking Open: Loving Your Life as It Is and as It Can Be.” I suspect we’ll be exploring this conundrum of simultaneously “Being” and “Aspiring”…
Thank you!