by Marlena Fiol | Jun 17, 2020
Belonging means feeling part of a group. It’s “we-ness.” Social identity theory proposes that the groups we belong to (e.g., social class, family, etc.) are typically important sources of pride and self-esteem. They also give us a fundamental sense of who “we” are, a sense…
by Marlena Fiol | Jun 12, 2020
There’s a lot of discussion about the risks of COVID-19 for the elderly. But I worry more about the impact of this pandemic on our just-turned-teenager grandson. He’s at the stage in life when he’s very invested in social connections and…
by Marlena Fiol | Jun 12, 2020
I am pleased to bring you the thinking of today’s guest, Elizabeth Scott. Liz is a psychologist in private practice in Portland, and she is the author of This Never Happened, a…
by Marlena Fiol | Jun 10, 2020
Monday’s blog explored the illusions of perfection I’ve hidden beneath — about my family, about my society — which have temporarily made me feel secure and satisfied in my own little bubble. But illusions of a perfect world in the face of today’s ugly imperfections finally cannot hold up….
by Marlena Fiol | Jun 8, 2020
Machu Picchu (even this seemingly perfect world was built by slaves) I grew up knowing it was wrong to be a racist. And I convinced myself that we were making progress, as individuals, as communities, as a nation and as a world. Despite obvious hiccups, I…
by Marlena Fiol | Jun 4, 2020
A recent conversation at our house: Ed: Look at all that beautiful jewelry. It’s a shame you never wear it anymore. Me: I know. Sorry. I hardly comb my hair anymore. Sorry. Ed: I love you anyway….