Friday Blog:  Grandchildren

Friday Blog: Grandchildren

              This week’s topic has been about what parents and their grown children owe each other. My conclusion was that the language of debt and obligation is inappropriate. Rather, we should be talking about love and appreciation. I feel like the biggest gifts my…

Friday Blog: Circles of Inclusion

Friday Blog: Circles of Inclusion

            My Dad Is the Pale Guy in the Middle This week’s blogs have been about “circles of inclusion.” I grew up on a leprosy compound in Paraguay, South America. My husband Ed and I are currently writing an historical novel about the lives and…

Personal Transformation:  On Becoming Uncomfortable

Personal Transformation: On Becoming Uncomfortable

        My Grandson Trying On New Pants Which Leg Do You Habitually Step into First? My podcast and blogs this week explored the sense of familiarity and belonging that the groups we are part of (e.g., social class, family, etc.) provide for us. It feels comfortable to…

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