by Marlena Fiol | Aug 31, 2020
Clara and John Schmidt in 1952 What follows is a true story about extraordinary selfless service to lepers in Paraguay, South America. I believe it illustrate this lovely reflection on generosity from the Metta Center: “True generosity is often described as the act of recognizing…
by Marlena Fiol | Aug 27, 2020
Boogie with his New Soccer Shorts My ten-year-old grandson Elian loves stuffed animals. According to him, “in the stuffed animal kingdom, they’re for real.” He recently gave a pair of his favorite soccer shorts to Boogie, my husband’s 35-year-old stuffed bear….
by Marlena Fiol | Aug 26, 2020
A Random Act of Generosity Our guest on this week’s podcast was Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, and author of Our Better Angels: Seven Simple Virtues That Will Change Your Life. One of the virtues Jonathan…
by Marlena Fiol | Aug 21, 2020
Jonathan Reckford with President Jimmy Carter I feel privileged and honored to kick off this season by introducing today’s guest, a leader in the service arena, Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International and author of…
by Marlena Fiol | Aug 20, 2020
Louis and I Before Social Distancing This week’s blogs have been about discovering our truest selves. That’s damn hard work for any of us. But it seems to me that it’s especially challenging for youngsters trying to figure it…
by Marlena Fiol | Aug 19, 2020
President Jimmy Carter with Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity The web is teeming with advice about what I can do to learn who I truly am. Knowing myself, I’m told, is an important step to achieving greater joy and inner peace. Long ago,…