My Mennonite Ancestors Evicted from their Homes in Russia – Makes Me Angry!

In 1965, during a time of deep divisiveness and wounding in this country, Hal David wrote the lyrics to Burt Bacharach’s seminal song:

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”

We are again in a collective hurting place. And yes, we surely need love, sweet love – for ourselves and each other.

But consistent with last week’s theme, I think there’s something else we need just as much right now:


Not a childish tantrum kind of anger. Rather, directed, intentional and fiery-hot anger about the injustices and the abuses that surround us, unfairness made especially apparent during this pandemic. We need the energy of healthy red-hot anger to make positive changes in our world today.

Here’s my quote for the week:

“The world needs more anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn’t angry enough.”
― Bede Jarrett

So, together, let’s love with all our hearts. And from that place of love, let’s ignite with angry focus to make this world a better place.

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