In my interview with Dr. Larry Dossey this week – which was published as a podcast titled “We Are All One” – he speaks of the deep connection between all of us as one of the most important things in our existence. He cites evidence that those of us in tune with our deeper consciousness where we’re all one, are happier, healthier and more creative.

Dr. Dossey reminds us that it’s useful to look at the way nature designed us from the beginning. We were not created to be alone. Solitary humans typically don’t do well. As an internal medicine physician, he learned that social contact is essential for our health. For example, people who live a solitary existence are not as healthy and they don’t live as long. So, he believes there’s every reason for us to be cordial to the idea that at some deeper level, we’re all connected with one another. It’s one of the greatest gifts that nature has bestowed upon us.

Is this a new message?

According to Dr. Dossey, every major mystical, spiritual tradition has had a place in their philosophy for the idea of the One Mind. You can trace it back 3,000 years to the Hindu tradition, where it was known as the Akashic records. In Zen, it’s called Satori. In the tradition of Yoga, it’s called Somati. In Sufism it’s known as Fanaa. And in Christianity it’s often referred to as Christ Consciousness.

So, is this just woo-woo spirituality?

Maybe not. Three decades ago, it was hard to get traction about these ideas. Today however our medical schools, who are committed to basing decisions on existing double-blind scientific results, are beginning to take the evidence supporting mind-body connections seriously. For example, about three-quarters of these the medical schools in the United States have courses in their curriculum for the impact of healing intentions and consciousness-mediated healing.

Here’s my bottom line:
I wonder how our world would look if we truly opened ourselves to the idea that we’re all connected? It might well help us address the many challenges our selfish separateness is creating on the planet today.

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